Thursday, February 14, 2008


I believe that 'change' is what makes the world go round...we are constantly changing in every aspect of our being. Be it physical, mental or spiritual, we are on the go! To think that what and who we are and how we perceive things at the present moment, is the absolute and unshakable truth, is one of the biggest lies we tell ourselves...This is where ignorance and arrogance play their part...They prevent us from growing, by not letting us acknowledge the change that is happening all around and within us...and until and unless we welcome these changes into our lives and unless we open the windows to our soul to these changes, we cannot grow and be what we are supposed to be...we tend to bury our real selves under the dirt of our ignorance and sometimes, arrogance...This leads to the stagnation of our spiritual being (the only thing we have come into this life form for)...Thus, we lose the real objective of our existence and let ourselves stray into the mundane...we stop growing.
The one thing that can awaken the within, is the awareness of life itself...If only we sharpen our perceptions to what life has to offer, things would have been different....Personally, Life has been my biggest friend, philosopher, guide...Life experiences have made me into what I am today and what I will be tomorrow...for, I, am subject to change.. for, change is the essence of life....


vijeta said...

each to our own... but once we take responsibility for our actions, there is no turning back. i think our ultimate goal is to validate ourselves - the ways might be different.and changing times reveal who we are, who we become... want to share two of my favorite quotes:

"The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly".
Richard Bach

"And when you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you"
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

many smiles

Mili said...

Well...What does validation lead to? What does getting validated lead to? I guess, every single time, to some sort of satisfaction and a bit of joy for being accepted/ validated. So, ultimately it all comes down to happiness and sense of satisfaction!
And taking responsibility for our actions might, rather, will lead you through terrains that demand a lot of changes on your part, to do justice to it! And, it is all about the way you perceive and assimilate everything. You choose!