Friday, November 28, 2008

Mumbai 11/26

I have been following the Mumbai terror attacks ever since it started two days ago. However hard I try, I just can’t seem to get the images that have unfolded before my eyes out of my mind, as I watched the Indian news channels most of my waking hours since this horror started. Most of the time, in the initial few hours, I found myself with mouth agape, watching in disbelief and shock at what was happening to the city and the places therein I had come to love so much during my five years stay in Mumbai. Then, there was anger, helplessness, desperation and now, just a need to prove that we are much stronger than this.

You can’t help but fall in love with this city. The places targeted in these attacks are an important part of some of the wonderful memories I have of the city that was Mumbai. This was the city where I came into my own, this was the city which taught me the useful life lessons that I am so thankful for, and, this was the city that embraced me when I came in as an awkward, unsure young adult. Mumbai pushed me to become who I am and made me realize the unlimited possibilities that awaited me, if only I reached out. It’s not the same city anymore, will never be now. Today, as I reflect on the gore I witnessed these past couple of days, I am heartbroken and stunned. Mumbai has been robbed: robbed of its uniqueness, robbed of what it stood for, robbed of its essence, and mostly, as it seems right now, robbed of its spirit.

Having said that, I also know that though it will take some time, it will not be long, before, Mumbai defies these adversaries of mankind, and stand tall again with a renewed vigor and, a slightly ‘scarred’, but, stronger spirit. And, that ‘scar’ is just going to be a reminder of what it takes to be a city of dreams, a city of joy and, a city of undying spirit…it won’t be a hideous blemish, but, will represent defiance in the face of terror, the triumph of Mumbai and India. We need to do that if we want to show, in our own little way, to these people who are trying to ruin the very fabric of India and Mumbai that they have failed in their attempt. We are a resilient nation and Mumbai, even more so. No matter how hard they try, we will rise again and conquer the screwed up ideology and mentality that is motivating them and not let it touch the soul of the nation and the city we love so much. But, in order to do so, we have to stand united, irrespective of our identities, and, work together with a single minded pursuit of winning this battle we have been forced into. The war on terror is ON and we are up for it. Try as they may, we will survive and shine like never before.


Unknown said...

Well said Mili!!
It has been a great pain to watch our beloved city in this state!
We have so many fond memories of this place. We all even had our graduation party at the Gateway,in those waters. Through the same waters the bastards sailed in to hold the city to a ransom! Its really so painful for all and more so for people like us who have one of the finest memories of our lives attached to it. Don't be so frustrated. Our Mumbai's spirit has never been shattered till now nor will that happen anytime in the future.Long live India and Long live the indomitable spirit of Mumbai. Lets salute to the great heroes of our nation who had to put their lives for us! Jai Hind!!!

Unknown said...

I mostly agree with all that you said but disagree on one fact & that is.... Mumbai wasn't... it still IS! Despite being scarred & blemished, it stands as tall & as strong as it always was... Whatever may happen, the only thing that Mumbai cant be robbed of is it's spirit & thats what keeps this vibrant city alive & kicking in the face of all disasters!

Yesterday too, when the operation at Nariman house came to a close & the commandos came out, they were greeted with loud claps & cheers. Where else will you find this spirit when barely a couple of kilometers away the Taj was still under seige... terrorists were still pumping bullets & throwing grenades... the outcome of this war was still nowhere in sight. BUt still the people of Mumbai came out to cheer the heroes because of whom we slept safely at home... the heroes who tried their best to rescue as many people as they could!

But having said all this, I still maintain that everything cant be put on the "spirit of mumbai" and then take a 'chalta hai' attitude. One thing that 11/26 showed was the collapse of the system yet again & how ill-equipped we were at handling such situations. The 3 top cops lost their lives not because they had no other options but because they had no sophisticated weapons to match those of the terrorists! How can our police force fight AK-47s with outdated gears? And another VERY BIG thing that came to the forefront was the immaturity of our politicians... Instead of standing united & doing whatever they could to help those who were hostages & those who managed to come out, they were busy pulling each other down & trying to show how inefficient the other political party is. How do you react to comments that in effect means - these are small incidents & we need to move on?! This is what is really sad!!!

We need to fight the demons of terrorism but before that we need to look into ourselves, resolve differences & stand united for our country.... these politicians need to stop worrying about their chairs & start worrying about the nation... Maybe then this will be a better place to live in, a place we shall be proud to hand over to our children.

Till then the nation shall bleed & we all shall bleed with it & then again get up & face a new day!

A BIG kudos to the spirit of Mumbai & a BIGGER Salute to all those who laid down their lives! May their souls rest in peace & may their families find the strength to tide over these difficult times!

Mili said...

If you read it carefully, I have stated that 'in time' Mumbai will regain that indomitable spirit..I used " it seems right now, robbed of its spirit". And, there is no denying that something like this is going to change Mumbai/ India..but, the change I perceive is going to be for the better and the spirit, stronger than ever before!
And, yes! Hats off to the real heroes here- the national guards, the marine commandos, the local police and everyone who battled bravely for 60 long hours in the rescue efforts! And, shame on the insensitive and insensible politicians who fail to understand the enormity of the situation and the implications!!

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- himanshu